Release Notes CY24 PP13

Reference Number: NFC-24-1717593429

Project Number

Project Title

Description of the Change


Manager Recruit Request (MRR)

Added the ability for Personnel Action Request (PAR) and Position Information users to view the contents (approvals, comments, and attachments) of approved MRR transactions.

Enhanced EmpowHR custom MPR and MRR Transaction and Status pages to provide the necessary Requestor/Initiator information for the Approval Workflow Engine (AWE).


Missing Veterans Status Codes

Updated EmpowHR, Web-based Entry, Processing, Inquiry, and Correction System (EPIC Web), Employee Personal Page (EPP), and Insight with new veteran status codes.
The codes are as follows: 

A - Veteran, Era Unknown (Based on Veterans' Preference)

E - Exempt From Reporting

Z - Not a Veteran (Assumption Based on Veterans' Preference)

Updated Table Management System (TMGT) Table 025, AD-350 (Personnel Block and Description) Block 66 as follows:

AD-350-Blk-Data- Value:

A - Veteran, ERA Unknown (Based on Veterans' Preference)

E - Exempt from Reporting

Z - Not a Veteran (Assumption Based on Veterans' Preference)


EPP Access Extension for Separated and Retired Employees

Extended EPP login access for separated employees to 
18 months.